Isnin, 10 Ogos 2009


When I was child, I dont like to eat certain traditional malay kuih. I felt that Pengat, Kuih Apam, Lepat Pisang/ubi, kuih koci were sort of old taste and foods for old people and I tried to avoid it if my mum force me to eat. I prefer popiah, epok-epok and pulut cawan as compared to pengat- which I think it was much too sweet and full of fat-since coconut milk is one of the main ingredients. But my tastebuds changed according to my age. Although I can consider myself as "not very old", I found that this is one of my favourite desserts now, and I substitute the coconut milk with the evaporated milk/ fresh milk as to reduce the calories. Now, I can say that I enjoy both traditional and modern treats and I feel very grateful because it seems that my daughter is not being very fussy on every food that I cooked.
4 keledek saiz sederhana (Aisyah prefer guna keledek orange).
4 sudu gula merah
4 sudu gula putih
air secukupnya
1 sudu kecil garam
4-5 sudu sagu
Susu cair 1 tin (400ml)- atau gantikan dengan santan bagi yang suka guna santan
- rebus keledek dengan air hingga 80% lembut. Masukkan gula merah, gula putih, garam dan sagu. Masak sebentar hingga sebati.
- Akhir sekali masukkan santan dan biarkan ia sebati - lebih kurang 10 minit- masak dengan api agak kecil.
- sesuai dimakan sejuk/ panas.

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