Sabtu, 4 April 2009


Ready to eat

Ready to be fried

Sumber asal : Kak Noormasri

I am quite concern about my health lately. I try to avoid processed foods like sausage, burger, kebab, nugget and I choose fresh ingredients to make my own nugget. If I feel craving for fast food, then I will fry the chicken and eat this with homemade colleslaw and salad. This homemade nugget is very healthy as compared the one that you bought from store because it is obviously less in salt and fresh from your kitchen. Give it a try and you will never regret.
At first, I just can't believe my own eyes because it was so easy and the verdict was so marvellous. Highly recommended to those who prefer to serve nugget to their kids. In fact, you can keep the leftovers, frozen it and use it whenever you like. I plan to add fresh coriender (daun ketumbar/ daun sup), some cumin/ fennal or curry powder/ chilli powder in the next trial as to obtain more spicy taste from this nugget.
500 g isi ayam } dikisar/cincang
1/4 cawan fresh breadcrumbs
sedikit serbuk lada sulah
garam secukup rasa
serbuk cornflake secukupnya atau serbuk roti utk 'coating'
(1-2 biji telur }dipukul sedikit
Cara membuat
1. Campurkan ayam bersama fresh breadcrumbs, serbuk lada sulah dan garam.
2. Gaul sebati.
3. Ambil sedikit adunan bentukkan menjadi leper, ulang sehingga habis.
4. Kemudian celup ke dlm telur dan lepas itu digolek kedlm serbuk cornflake/roti.
5. Ulang semula dgn mencelup ke dlm telur dan diakhiri dgn serbuk cornflake/roti supaya mendapat lapisan luar yg agak tebal.
6. Goreng dgn api perlahan sehingga kekuningan.
7. Sedia dimakan bersama sos.

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