Rabu, 26 Januari 2011


Assalammualaikum wbkt,
What a controversial topic? Well, that is actually not my intention. I came across few stories of old good friends who shared their experience with me. Most of my friends are now talking about all these things. The season has come, and these are among the popular questions. I don't know, (or probably I don't really like to know, not very keen or feel this is rather one of the test among other tests given by Allah) and whatever tests we face, to Allah we put our trust, because to Him we will return.
I am not very interested to talk about the worldly viva...lets talk about the real viva...this is truly real one (the one that you must must afraid). But the comparison is important as to see better picture.
Alright, this is one of the popular questions. When will be "the date"? Do you know when it will be? or whatever questions related to the specific date when your viva take place. So the plain answers would be, (i) yes, it will be in next two months or two weeks or etc etc...(i) no, the school is silent..i dont know yet...(iii) oh common, dont be soo fast...give me some rest!
Alright...this is the worldly viva, where they will let you know the specific date, time and place. They will invite you, with email normally, to attend the viva examination with specific informations.
As long as you know when it will be, you can make some or lots of preparation. Right? So basically you can expect the questions, and we can basically make lots of notes, and rehearse and try to add more point from time to time.
But have we ever thought about the date of our real viva? No one knows, except Allah. He is powerful over all things. He has the knowledge of all seen and unseen things (Surah al-Mukminun:92).
Given that no one knows about the specific date of our real viva, including you and I, except Allah the Almighty, then when is the best time to make the preparation? Point to ponder.
Alright...let see what is in the book...it took 3 years to write the book...with a lots of quotations (the more the better) and some complicated formulae, with several bombastic words (heteroskedasticity, endogeneity, random walk) hahahahha, funny words that only few can grasp the meaning, and it is written by minah jawa ntah dari kampung mana lah nie...hahahaha what a joke...at the end, there will be a specific section, somekind like a disclaimer, that this book is not perfect, there is a limitations here and there and etc etc etc...due to the incapability of the author, so the book suffers some limitations...that need to be fully acknowledge..

and what about the book in our real viva...
some will be given from their right side, amin
some from their left side! nauzubillah
some from their back! nauzubillah...
and let see what is in the book...
"When the record of every one's deeds is placed before him, you will see the criminals terrified from what the record contains. They will say, "Woe to us! What kind of record is this that has missing nothing small or great?" They will find whatever they have done right before their very eyes. Your Lord is not unjust to any one" (Surah Al-Kahfi:49)
Every thing will be recorded...will be reported by the virtuous angels. They are very dexterous in their work, very dedicated (never sleep, eat, etc) and perform Allah's command as instructed.
As the book in the worldly viva is wrote by minah jawa, the book in real viva scribble by the angel.
"Well, you can refer to Kakabadse and Kakabadse (2007) published in corporate governance: the international review, if you want to get more information about this issue". "Thank you for sharing this information, i will take this into account". -- this is a part of the normal conversation during the worldly viva...
But not in the REAl VIVA, as everything (small, big, short, tall etc etc) precisely recorded in the book...All deeds over your entire life (not only 3 years) but if you live for 50 years, every second, every split second of what you did, what you said, everything, will be recorded.
Alright, lets make a lot of rehearsal. Speak in front of the mirror, or probably share the ideas in front of your classmate, and try to make the answer as interesting as possible. Make sure that your throat is ok on that day, and get new cloth and never forget to include several jargon terms as to impress the examiners. And if you are very good in kelentong with confident, that is another credit for you (good in talking, good repo, convincing people).
funny isn't it.
In the real viva, our mouth will not speak. It will shut up. Real shut up. Even in this world, we can speak fluently, gossiping, backbiting, read qur'an, but over there, our mouth will never say a word.
"We shall seal your mouths on that Day, let your hands speak to us and your feet testify to what you had achieved" (Surah Ya-Seen: 65)
Then our hand, our eyes, our ears, our feet will testify against us (if we are the wrongdoers - nauzubillah) and will defend us (if we are among those Allah guided - the pious).

Ok, who are the examiners? We normally have 2 examiners.
"Oh, have you heard about professor Toya from Hambat University? He is one of the best accounting professor from negeri pasir bedengung!"
"Oh my internal examiner is very bad. Like a lion/tiger. Everybody hates him!"
"I am very happy, my examiners are both so kind and soft spoken with no sense of attacking at all" Good!
Ok ok....it is all decided by Allah. So accept your fate! (the best way!)
Whatever it is, the examiners are all human. Like us!
So when they are like us, they subject to certain weaknesses. Right?
Sometimes they got fever, they forgot the date of viva, they are basically very old, so sometimes got asma, sakit tulang etc, they got migrain, they are practically very busy, with lots of meeting, etc etc....so they may overlook something from our book. Thats fact, because they are human.
But the examiners in the real viva immune to all diseases. They are angels. Fitness first. Do as per instructed, yet very dedicated. And we have 2 examiners too..in our graveyards...scary huh?
This is very interesting. If you google this information, you will see hundreds of possible viva questions. "Why you did this research? what is the contribution? why it is important? why why why...why not this? why not that? ". "Oh yes, it is important as it is related to the share price which will affect the general welfare of the society"! I choose this methodology because, first...second...third...etc etc
Ok ok, in real viva, not many questions will be asked. Interesting huh? We live in this world for, let say, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years and only few things will be examined.
- how you spent your time
- how you spent your money
- how you spent your productive years (usia muda)
besides of additional questions:
- who is your God?
- Who is your relatives?
- what is your book?
- Who is your prophet?
- What is your religion?
Scary huh...you dont need to do lot of rehearsal as in the worldly viva, because the answers are very easy (you knew that Allah is God, Muhammad is prophet etc etc) for now, but it is our iman and amal which is going to help us to answer all these questions in the next! Oh Lord, have mercy on us!
Oh it is depends...without correction, minor correction or etc...whatever it is, all these are temporary matters. You completed it, and you pass.
In the real viva, the result is permanent. It is eternal. Whether hell or heaven! So which one does matter?
Well this is just another point for us to ponder. We pray a lot, we afraid a lot for our viva in this world, yet we ignore the importance of the real viva in the next. Allah teach us how to pray for our affairs in the world or hereafter. "Lord, give us good things both in this life as well as in the life hereafter and save us from the torment of fire" (Surah Al-Baqarah: 201). I am sorry if this posting make you unhappy (as I treat that the worldly viva like jokes) as I didnt mean to hurt any of the readers. I pray hopefully Allah will guide me and you, and have mercy on us and facilitate our affairs in this world and hereafter. AMIN. Please pray for me as well in your doa, as well as for all our muslim brothers and sisters.

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