Assalammualaikum wbkt
.This time, I would like to share with you about Allah's mercy, which means "Rahmat". There are many verses in Al-Qur'an mentioned about mercy, and Al-Qur'an itself is one form of Allah's mercy to mankind, and our prophet Muhammad himself is also one of Allah's mercy to mankind. Other Prophet (e.g. Jesus) that born miraculously has also been stated as mercy of Allah to mankind.
.Besides that, there are also many verses in the Al-Qur'an mentioned about the previous generations, or the righteous/pious people who asked for Allah's mercy when they make dua to Allah. In fact, in certain verses, Allah specifically teach us how to make dua to attain Allah's mercy. I found this very interesting because it is stated in different chapters in al-Qur'an, beautifully intersperse and this repetition basically empasize on the importance of seeking for Allah's mercy and guidance in our life.
Few examples:
(Surah Al:Mukminun, 118):
(Muhammad), say: "Lord, forgive me and grant me mercy; You are the best of the Merciful Ones".
(Muhammad), say: "Lord, forgive me and grant me mercy; You are the best of the Merciful Ones".
(Surah Al:Mukminun, 109)
There was a group of my servants among you who always prayed: Lord, forgive us and grant us mercy; You are the best of those who show mercy.
(Surah Yunus: 86)
Lord, save us, through your mercy, from the disbelieving people
(Surah Al-Imran: 74)
God grants priority in granting mercy to whomever He wants. God's favours are great.
(Surah Ali-Imran: 132)
Obey God and the Messenger so that you may receive mercy
(Surah An-Nisa: 96)
God will grant those who strive high ranks, forgiveness, and mercy. He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
(Surah An-Nisa; 113)
Were it not for the favour and mercy of God, some of them would have certainly tried to make you (Muhammad) go astray. However, they cannot leas any one astray but themselves nor can they harm you. God has revealed the Book to you, has given you wisdom, and has taught you what you did not know. Certainly God's favour to yuo has been great.
(Surah An-Nisa; 175)
Those who believe in God and seek His protection will receive His mercy, favours, and His guidance to the right path.
(Surah Al-Aa'raf; 52)
We have revealed the book of guidance and mercy to the believers and We know all of its details.
(Surah Al-Aa'raf: 151)
Moses prayed, "Lord, forgive me and my brother and admit us into Your mercy; you are the most Merciful".
Moses prayed, "Lord, forgive me and my brother and admit us into Your mercy; you are the most Merciful".
(Surah Al-Aaraf; 204)
Whenever the Qur'an is recited (to you), listen to it quietly so that you may receive mercy
I share with you few examples that I extract from Al-Qur'an, and actually there are many many verses that stressed on Allah's mercy, that due to my incapability, is not able to be shared in this posting. Nevertheless, it is crucial for me to highlight that there is seriously large amount of verses in Al-Qur'an focus to this topic - Mercy.
I share with you few examples that I extract from Al-Qur'an, and actually there are many many verses that stressed on Allah's mercy, that due to my incapability, is not able to be shared in this posting. Nevertheless, it is crucial for me to highlight that there is seriously large amount of verses in Al-Qur'an focus to this topic - Mercy.
Allah seriously tell us that we as human must seek, must pray, must hope for Allah's mercy. But why basically, we as human need Allah's mercy?
Allah explain about this in this verse:
(Surah Yunus: 58)
(Muhammad), tell them, "To be happy with the favours and mercy of God is better than whatever you accumulate".
Wow! wow! wow!
WoW! WOW! WOW! I just over excited and at the same time are not able to imagine how valuable is Allah's mercy to his slave, like us. Great! Allah is Great! BETTER THAN WhATEVER YOU ACCUMULATE!
alright, lets check our list, whatever we accumulated or want to accumulate or whatever luxury stuffs that come to your mind. oh common, as i m not rich and not accumulate lots of assets, it is quite difficult to think/imagine about expensive stuff (never been to Harrods or exclusive shops so I should admit that I dont know much about this).
Alright, just say anything.
Uh, ok....what about car? luxury car? which one you mean? Merce, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, or house? bungalows with swimming pools (many pools) and with very impressive decoration, or possibly whatever we have accumulated, like watches collection, shoes collection, clothes and whatever jewellery we have, gold, diamond, white gold, ruby, sphirre, emerald etc, whatever ornaments we have, whatever portmerion we have etc, or probably if you are super rich you may have your own private jet, heli, mansions, palace, you also may have your own island, ...wow...can you imagine, ALLAH'S MERCY IS SIMPLY BETTER THAN WHATEVER I stated above. Masya Allah!
And for those who are not interested in seeking Allah's mercy, Allah curse them as in this verse:
(Surah Yunus: 7-8)
Those who do not have hope of receiving Our mercy in the life hereafter who are pleased and satisfied with the worldly life and who pay no attention to Our revelations will all have the Fire as their dwelling for that which they had done.
Allah's mercy is so great, and it is much much more valuable than anything that you can imagine in this world. God mercy is in various forms (Al-Qur'an, the prophets etc) and in fact Al-Qur'an also encourge us to make dua, seek for Allah's mercy, forgiveness and guidance. Thus this is something that we should not ignore, and and shouls be one of priority in our life. Probably we can refer back to the Al-Qur'an (on specific verses related to mercy that I stated above) and try to memorise one or two verses related to it and make it a part of Dzhikir in our daily routine (Thanks to my dear amalina for sharing about 10 steps to purify your heart! which include Dzhikr as one of them). Or if we are very busy person (so might forgot to make dua) why not we set the alarm/notes in our phone just to remind us that we have to make dua seeking for Allah's mercy every two hours for example...or if we are alone (cooking, cleaning, doing house chores, or waiting for a bus) why not fulfill our heart with this one simple statement "My lord please grant me your mercy", at no cost but the return is simply AMAZING!.
Finally, I pray that Allah will give me and you mercy, and guide us and forgive all of our sins. I humbly asked for you to pray for me, my family and my parents hopefully Allah will grant us mercy in this world and in the next. Forgive me if I said anything wrong and may Allah facilite all of our affairs, or whatever we are doing. :)
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